Facebook ads campaigns and website for marina sultanova's music studio
Marina Sultanova's Music Studio
"Eli & Walmar has raised the bar of the efficiency in Facebook campaigns and proved to be a toolbox that is able to solve any of our customer needs."
Marina Sultanova, the owner
Hallandale Beach, FL
The goal of Maria Sultanova's music school was to double the number of clients and make the teachers fully booked within a short period of time. The KPI was the number of leads so it was crucial to reach as many potential customers as possible and show them the instructive services of this music school. With over 10 years experience of unlocking children's musical and art potential the school has expanded to different music classes, choir, rhythmics, art and sculpture.

Maria Sultanova's mission has always been to provide personalized programs to fill the needs of every student. Our campaigns were to bring that philosophy to the maximum number of target audience and soon the performance began to pick up at rocket pace. For less than a month we were beating our KPI's:

Marina Sultanova
leads made with appointments on Facebook
increase of conversion to test lessons
10$ – 1 lead
CPA for less than 1 month
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